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The HWS Leads Certificate has taught me many valuable lessons on being a leader in the 21st century. I have learned through this certificate program that leadership can be developed in other ways other than experience. Being able to talk about leadership with my classmates and professors learning about various leadership theories and practices has shown me that leadership functions in our daily lives without us even knowing it. Being able to discuss leadership with my peers at HWS has also allowed me to learn what qualities of myself I can utilize for leadership. 

I learned many different leadership theories and various ways leadership can be used within a group. One class we were discussing transformative leaders. As the professor was describing the characteristics and functions of transformative leadership theory one of the classmates said that I was an exemplary transformative leader. Being able to have peers around me that knew my strengths and weaknesses and felt comfortable sharing this with me is something that I am extremely grateful for. The discussions and different perspectives I was exposed to as part of this certificate program has shown me the spectrum of various leadership practices. 

One of my favorite understandings of leadership that has come from the HWS Leads program is my understanding of upward leadership. Before participating in this program I assumed that leaders had to be the boss to play their role as a leader. My classes and experiences with HWS Leads has shown me how positive teamwork and contributions can occur from any member of a team. As I conclude my undergraduate experience and move onto the real world it is comforting knowing that I can still strongly contribute and impact whatever team I join even if I start at the bottom. My time at HWS involved me serving as a head of different clubs or organizations. I appreciate the work, time and sacrifice that heads of groups or organizations sacrifice and have a new understanding of how important it is to have a reliable team. My experience in top leadership positions has prepared me to be a stronger upward leader. 

Leadership Philosophy: Bio


I have always valued improving the lives of other people. From being the top fundraiser for the National Brain Tumor Society in middle school, to being awarded the student in my graduating high school class that most displayed my school's motto, "Not for self but for others" by the head of the school. I find joy in spreading joy. I am a passionate and energetic individual and I believe that one of the best parts in life is being able to improve the lives of those around you. I am known by my friends and family to offer assistance to strangers and even start conversations with people who seem to not have a smile on their face. Happiness for me is best experienced by making others happy.

Leadership Philosophy: Bio
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